Strategy: Owned Media Before Earned & Paid #OwnedMediaRocks

Once again I sit through another meeting where a public relations professional’s performance is based on the number of print articles earned in the local newspaper. This has driven me to finally write this post. Owned media can be a huge influencer for earned and paid. Let’s be honest, earned media is about relationships. Organizations […]

Great Digital Approach to Zika Virus by Mayo Clinic #digitalhealth

This is one of the best updates from a hospital when it comes to the Zika virus. It comes from Mayo Clinic, and here is why it is works extremely well: It is simple! Dispels the myths Provides information in written and video form. It is sharable. It provides media outlets video content to download […]

Digital and Social Media Impact of Zika Virus: Strategy Recommendations

There is increased search on Google for information about Zika virus, based on data supplied by Google Trends. Charleston, SC is leading the state geographically with increased Google search about the virus along with our neighboring state (Georgia) seeing an increased amount of search. Bottom-line, people are searching and seeking information. Over the past few […]

Should hospitals use social and digital to talk about Zika Virus?

I am watching the digital curve surrounding Zika virus from inside Google Trends alongside monitoring the amount of conversation on Facebook using the Signal product. It was just yesterday that we noticed that Zika Virus moved to the trending position in Facebook after the media covered President Obama’s announcement surrounding funding to attack Zika virus. […]

Community Management/Managers: Do we take ourselves too seriously?

I have always been caught in this dilemma…when it comes to managing a brand’s community or community within a brand, what is best for the community? Who should be really managing the community? One with experience with the Message? Community Management? Social Media Management? Brand Management? The actual brand employee(s)? From the agency side, the […]

F is for Facebook in Google’s Alphabet (I bet!)

Yep…I am talking about this very specific relationship one that has been riddled with miscues and online battles of digital lines in the sand. It was last year our health care digital team launched a Google Hangout embedded inside Facebook, since that successful has been a lot harder to pull off technologically speaking. But […]

Concerns of Auto-Pilot Mode of Scheduling, Digital Automation, and Digital Ad Buys

The time is now! Telling rich stories has become ever more important in the world of organic storytelling. It is providing a much needed balance to digital content marketing efforts inside agencies and inside organizations. With more and more access to digital marketing tools and automation, the temptation is to put more thrust behind reach […]

The truth behind the on-camera interview

It was just the other day as a storyteller and I sat through another amazing interview…an interview that not only brought me to tears, but the people around me. Laneika is a more than a domestic violence survivor and her story is one of purest of crystal balls…you have to carefully take care of her […]

500 Homes is a BIG DEAL

Yes…500 homes! Can you imagine building a home, two homes, or even 500 homes? 500 homes represent 500 families who have been impacted through safe, & energy-efficient, affordable housing in the state of South Carolina– that’s 500 stories of true life change. All this organized, cultivated, and executed by an amazing organization called Homes of […]

Stop the talking heads and flapping lips on social video! :)
Stop the talking heads and flapping lips on social video! :)

Yes…stop it. No one wants to hear your rants and dialogue? Just because you have an iPhone and video camera…it just is not working. People want more than you flapping your lips and ranting your thoughts on Facebook and Instagram. I feel the old newsroom junkie in me coming out in this rant. My old […]

Sharing Brittny’s Story at Fashion with a Passion 2015
Sharing Brittny’s Story at Fashion with a Passion 2015

In January we had the opportunity to meet Brittany Speed, a survivor of domestic violence. We sat down to capture her story and we were amazed with her path, how she came to Safe Harbor, and how her story is empowering others. Our friends at Safe Harbor asked us to capture, tell, and share Brittny’s […]

Nurse-Family Partnership is more than a job, it’s a calling
Nurse-Family Partnership is more than a job, it’s a calling

Nursing is more than a job…it is a passion. I fully understand this statement first hand, I am a product of a nurse’s salary growing up. I remember my mother as a nurse from the moment I could tie my shoes, she taught me right from wrong from a nurse’s lens. My mom is now a […]

Storytelling, Apple, and Anderson University
Storytelling, Apple, and Anderson University

There is nothing more exciting than to see one of your clients being recognized by world wide brand. I was asked to join our friends at Anderson University to watch a special announcement. On Thursday, February 12th, Apple came to Anderson University to present a special recognition. Anderson University’s Henderson Auditorium was packed with faculty, […]