Storytelling vs Advertising
We dont believe this is anything new as the past few years have shifted this direction, but in 2022 you can expect “Advertising to continue to shift to a more personal approach where companies become increasingly transparent and authentic with their audiences (rather than a BUY NOW approach).”
Behind the scenes content, community involvement, and inclusive culture initiatives are ways in which companies will share who they are with their audience. There will be a big emphasis on building trust with potential customers and building a personality that is authentic and desirable. Storytelling is one of the best ways to do this. The name tells it all…you are telling a story of who you are, how you got to where you are today and everything in between. Stories create an identity that people can relate to and connect to, as well as become attached to.
A Company Doing it Right
Branch Basics has done an incredible job storytelling. They have told their individual stories of pain and how branch basics, among other lifestyle changes like clean eating has solved their pain. This powerful brand has integrated their story into social media, newsletters, blog posts and in doing so they have built a loyal community that swears by their products. Instead of just advertising their products, how they work, and why you should buy them, they focus on their powerful stories of healing. Their backstories and reasons for concocting a cleaning solution is drawing customers in to evalutate their own lifestyles, and the health conditions their facing. An attachment to someones story is much more plausible than an attachment to an advertisement.
Branch Basics Story from Branch Basics on Vimeo.
If you want to experiment with storytelling and see your brand transformed, give us a call today and we can help make it happen!
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