Biggest Strategic Risk – Boards that are not Digitally Savvy
Biggest Strategic Risk – Boards that are not Digitally Savvy

In today’s high stakes game of business and fundraising, this blog post from the Wharton Business School was completely inspiring and revealing. I want to spend a few minutes sharing a few key points that truly resonated with me. Most importantly, this article Wharton blog post reinforces the notion that leadership not only must support

Storytelling is a part of our DNA…including our selfies!
Storytelling is a part of our DNA…including our selfies!

It has surrounded me…from the very beginning, I have always had a camera in my hand. The picture above is the first picture I ever captured…how ironic it is my first selfie. Yes, it is a picture of me the summer after the 6th grade. I was attending the Summer Classes of SC Governor School

Leveraging new content verticals – Warren Buffett style #storytelling
Leveraging new content verticals – Warren Buffett style #storytelling

Everyone wants to be a thought leader…every organization wants own their content verticals…but what are you really owning. Why are “we” trying to own the content verticals that the populous hopes to conquer. Thought leaders, whether individuals or brands, want to be heard, want to connect, want people to join the conversation. But why try

we are humans…stupid! #storytelling
we are humans…stupid! #storytelling

Love this quote from Gary V: “I am only interested in one thing…the thing that binds us all together…always and forever our job is to tell our story…” “The way you make real money…the way you make real impact…the way things get changed is by great storytelling…it has always been that way and it will

What is the DNA of a good storyteller?
What is the DNA of a good storyteller?

Anyone have any thoughts? Hmm…so I have been thinking about this for a bit! What is the DNA of a “good” storyteller? Hmm…well my first thought: they create great content. Yeah…so what is great content and how can we equate great content with a great storyteller? In the world of digital communications…how do we create

What is “good” content? #storytelling
What is “good” content? #storytelling

Have you thought through this before? When I asked a group of healthcare communication professionals to define content and “good” content…we recorded some interesting feedback. So here are my thoughts: Good Content – From 30K Feet 1) Creates the connected theater – How can we create an interactive experience so audience forgets they are watching

Social Content –> Shaping Content Creation?
Social Content – data-lazy-src=
Are we trapped in social content? #texture
Are we trapped in social content? #texture

Content curation is a big buzz word/phrase right now. Lots of neat technologies, innovations, and social channels to find, share, capture, explore, leverage…then re-share. But are we getting a bit trapped? Just found this cool post on Social Media Examiner how to use Feedly, IFTTT, and Excel to find, share, and potentially categorize/curate content. Great

2014 SuperBowl Ads – Budweiser’s Narrative Helps Us Forget A Soldier #sb48
2014 SuperBowl Ads – Budweiser’s Narrative Helps Us Forget A Soldier #sb48

As we ooh’d and ahh’d over this touching little puppy ad by Budweiser in the 4th quarter of the SuperBowl…we have forgotten. Budweiser…as always, knows how to create a tremendous ad narrative throughout big events like the SuperBowl. Sprinkling little story-lines in short little commercials that have nothing to do with beer. These little micro-narratives

What makes stories sticky? #contentmarketing
What makes stories sticky? #contentmarketing

This is a question that I think resonates all content marketers. From my days in broadcast television news, we spent hours and hours discussion whether a story would generate enough interest to drive viewership. Now in the digital/social communication world, it is even more of a legitimate discussion. In-order for organizations to take ownership of

Sowing her passion for science at Furman University
Sowing her passion for science at Furman University

I had the pleasure to meet the first female professor at Furman University. What a great story! She has accomplished so much here in Greenville and at Furman University. “Laura Thompson doesn’t walk from her office to the classroom, she dashes. In conversations, her train of thought jumps the tracks, careening from one topic of

Storytelling and Data…or the need to measure the story?
Storytelling and Data…or the need to measure the story?

It is possible…it is possible to measure success. I have been surrounded by groups that want to bring a visual context to their story. They enlist me to help find and tell those rich elements creating a meaningful story. The idea of storytelling has become such a passé term. Each day I receive an email,

Facebook Auto-Play – Game Changer in Content Delivery for Video???
Facebook Auto-Play – Game Changer in Content Delivery for Video???

Facebook just released the newest app in both iOS and Android which bows allow you to see video content in auto-play mode. What does this mean? As you scroll down your news feed (via your iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, and other mobile devices), video that was uploaded directly to Facebook will now auto play in

Military Appreciation Day at Clemson – Col. Ben Skardon
Military Appreciation Day at Clemson – Col. Ben Skardon

This past weekend’s Clemson football game was Military Appreciation Day at Clemson. Clemson played the Citadel and how appropriate to honor those who have served with two schools playing on the gridiron representing such military heritage. In the game program, Col. Ben Skardon was the featured story. Earlier this year, I produced a short documentary

The Storytelling Narrative – Sounds Like An Oxymoron
The Storytelling Narrative – Sounds Like An Oxymoron

The storytelling narrative…sounds like an oxymoron? Well…there is a narrative in the content marketing space, and the primary focus for these marketers –> who is going to own the storytelling digital narrative. Hmm… Since digital content marketing has become a buzz word, mission statement, and a service to provide…more and more “expert” storytellers are emerging.

#SCMission2013 Photoessay – Faces of the Unisured
#SCMission2013 Photoessay – Faces of the Unisured

So many faces…so many people in need…I was completely overwhelmed. It was 5am and as I pulled into the Charleston Coliseum parking lot, it was not immediately noticeable if there was a sizable turnout for the SCMission2103 Lowcountry Free Clinic. As I parked, pulled my gear together and made my way to the coliseum…the line

Are people remembering then searching for your story?
Are people remembering then searching for your story?

Image credit: I was looking around for the perfect billboard image and I thought this fit so well. I just read and article from surrounding the idea of attribution in the world of marketing. What is attribution? Attribution is the process of identifying a set of user actions (“events”) that contribute in some

Facebook is loosing steam with the Millennials and Generation Z
Facebook is loosing steam with the Millennials and Generation Z

Image Credit: I just read an OPED on today, it’s title: “I’m 13 and None of My Friends Use Facebook”. Yep…things are changing. Let’s look at a few statements in the article that peaked my interest. This article is from the viewpoint of a 13 year old. Her name is Ruby Karp. “Facebook

Asking the right questions…storytelling
Asking the right questions…storytelling

It was just yesterday I was working on a project for a group in Portland, Maine. An upstate portrait artist has been commissioned for a project and it was important to capture his story during the process. The artist’s name is Jerry and he grew up in Spartanburg. The client for this project is actually

Passion can be found in someone’s story!
Passion can be found in someone’s story!

Meet Dot…she is amazing and has a powerful story to tell. Many people camp out all night for iPhones, iPads, and other gadgets. She camped out all night to be the first in-line to receive free medical care. Why? She needed it and was willing to just about anything for the opportunity. To me…that is