On Tuesday, Twitter introduced a new tool called Custom Timelines. This new feature will allow users to create a specific Twitter timeline, including both branded and user tweets. For example, a brand could curate a list of the best tweets from a specific panel at SXSWi. Whether it’s buzz about an upcoming product launch or tweets from the panelists, the brand ultimately chooses what ends up on the Custom Timeline. Think of it as a landing page specific to Twitter chatter.
Currently, in order to create a custom timeline, brands will have to go through TweetDeck. The Guardian has already jumped on the opportunity to integrate a Custom Timeline into their Tuesday Twitter chat – displayed on their custom Twitter timeline page and embedded into their website.
Custom Timelines allow exposure of social conversation around your brand for both Twitter proponents and protestors. We expect to see this tool popping up during Twitter parties and live event feeds.
How will you use it for your brand?