Previously, the decision to abandon Facebook terms on Facebook-based promotions meant risking the very page you so carefully were trying to promote. Likes, comments and any other Facebook action was strictly banned in exchange for a spot to win a prize. So, what did you do? You turned to an app and that app made it happen with careful wording and unspoken agreements with the big F.

Facebook based promotions

On August 27th, 2013 the rules changed. Do the third party app like-gate* dance no more.

Facebook has loosened the reins and made it possible for you to promote your contest on your fan page without using a third party app to “like-gate” the entries.

Any questions?

So, can I ask users to like my post on my fan page for an entry into my contest?


What about asking them to post on my fan page timeline or comment on a post already on my fan page timeline?

Yes and Yes.

OK, I have a great idea. I’ll ask people to tag themselves in my branded image for a chance to win so all of their friends will see it!

Slow down there. That’s not allowed. Personal timelines are off limits and you wouldn’t want to tag someone in an image they are not actually in, would you? Nope. Didn’t think so. Keep the promotion strictly to your fan page content on your fan page.

*exchanging a Facebook action, more specifically, a “like” for entry into a contest

Questions? Leave them in the comments below.