Did you watch the keynote address from Apple’s #WWDC14 opening day? Did you happen to see the first video before anyone walked onto the stage? I did and I was inspired.
How many story-lines can you list while watching this video? Here is what I came up with…I was typing in real time as watched and listened this video.
- apps
- developers
- creativity
- drawing
- communication
- apps we cannot live without
- social media
- photography
- technology
- healthcare
- marine biology
- sailing
- databases
- global connectivity
- gaming
- baseball
- hope
- education/training
- dreaming for a better tomorrow
- music
- performing
- art of being a musician
- connecting apps to health
- bionic arms
- prosthetics
- intersection of technology and art
- inspiration
It is amazing how the use of storytelling and streams of themes come together in one piece…yet never really mention Apple. This is the power of connected content pulled together in one video, to tell little micro-stories that raise awareness for an over arching brand…one that we all can relate.
Powerful storytelling allows those who have language and passion to share their experience. Who are your storytellers?