Companies, big and small, want sustainability as a part of their core values. Not only is it good for the environment, but it is an ethically conscious thing to consider in a business model. The ESG is one way environmental factors are evaluated. It stands for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance.
As the environment has become an increasingly important factor for companies and industries to consider, some have taken steps to help the cause on a global level.
Brands leading in Sustainability Efforts
One example is that PepsiCo has adopted the United Nations Business AMbition for 1.5 Degrees C Pledge. It is a UN campaign to help fight global warming.
Another instance is how Patagonia and other clothing brands have made dramatic efforts towards sustainability and social responsibility. In 2017, Patagonia brought tons of attention to their brand by stopping all sales and creating a black out on their website with a PSA in response to the then US president’s announcement that he [Trump] would dramatically reduce the size of two national monuments in Utah. Their website gained so much traffic that it crashed the site temporarily. Patagonia, claiming to sue the president, made some bold moves in an effort to play their part in protecting the environment. Even Patagonia’s clothing materials are ethically sourced. Patagonia’s website blackout made the news and it ended up being a pretty unique and interesting way to advertise their brand…but their motivation was truly honorable. Other marketers should take notes.
Toy News has announced that the LEGO Group is set to invest $400 million over the next three years to support their social responsibility and sustainability efforts. Their long-term goal is to be carbon neutral by 2022 and make all packaging sustainable by the end of 2025. They are going to start by phasing out single use plastic bags and installing additional solar panels on all factories.
How Does This Relate to Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing actually plays a major role in helping businesses become more environmentally friendly.
Digital advertisements are not only more effective, but they save time and energy in regards to direct mail being printed and delivered. Furthermore, digital ads have a better return on investment and can be optimized at a faster and more convenient rate according to the intended audience.
With more and more businesses taking their social responsibility seriously, there has been opportunity for interesting and engaging campaigns centered around environmental efforts. These campaigns tap into consumers’ ethos and their esteem and self-actualization needs on Malson’s hierarchy of needs. Many new products and services are trending this year that have some relation to being environmentally friendly, natural, safe, cruelty free, etc. It’s important for marketers to know shifts in behavior and common ideals that are being passed around on social media. Buzzwords and phrases can be used when targeting certain groups of people such as “ethically sourced”, “safe for the environment” and “fast fashion” among many others.
At Gray Digital Group we keep up with industry trends and have 20 years of experience building digital campaigns that drive results. Contact us to help you create digital campaigns that align with and promote your core values!
Page 33 of Future Today Institute’s Energy,Climate and Space Report