
I was up late reading and stumbled across this article about a photoessay by Photographer Nancy Borowick sharing her story… both of her parents fighting cancer. No…this is not a story of one of her parents fighting cancer and the other standing along side as a support system. BOTH of her parents have cancer and BOTH are fighting cancer simultaneously.

Here photo essay… wow!!! You should check it out! –> CLICK HERE

As I lay here… I am speaking to myself. We can write great copy, create beautiful ads, strategize great campaigns…but these images are powerful… more powerful than what *we* can create by *trying* to tell someone else’s story.

How about finding the way to create a “platform” that gives those the latitude to express freely…openly…like this daughter… Nancy Borowick.

Thinking a bit… will be pondering this more… stories of texture create deep connectivity.

*Image from Nancy Borowick’s website.