Let’s kick the year off with a series detailing the best tips and tools for Search Engine Optimization – aka SEO. As algorithms update and mobile use advances, it’s important to keep in that mind that SEO’s work is never done. We like to think of it as a journey, not a destination. Be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter to catch the entirety of the SEO Tips and Tools Series.
Content Content Content
This is something that will continue to play an important factor in your SEO campaign. With the new Google algorithm, the way you approach your content has changed. Generate content intended for the user and not the Search Engines. Give meaning to your content that will be relevant to a users search query.
Do your research. Keywords help your website get found in the Search Engines. Choose keywords that visitors are using in your industry to find information on services and products. Be sure and use the keywords you choose in your meta data, content and URLs. Do not overuse these keywords, as this may be more hurtful than beneficial.
Meta Data
This is the first thing the search engines look at when crawling your site. Your title is the most important out of the three meta tags. Be sure and include in your title information that will tell the search engines what your website is about. Make the title flow naturally and seamlessly and include your most important targeted keyword. Create a description that will draw the user in. Make the user want to click on to your website. Although the description no longer has a strong effect on rankings, the description plays a key role in conversions.
Check back next week for part two – we’ll cover the technical side of SEO. In the meantime, leave any and all questions in the comment section and we’ll make sure to address those as they are submitted.