This is one of the best updates from a hospital when it comes to the Zika virus. It comes from Mayo Clinic, and here is why it is works extremely well:

  1. It is simple!
  2. Dispels the myths
  3. Provides information in written and video form.
  4. It is sharable.
  5. It provides media outlets video content to download for use in broadcasts and online via the media section where they have to sign-in to download.


We are seeing more hospital leaders jump in front of the public discussion surrounding Zika Virus. Google Trends is continuing to show a large uptick in online conversation. Google Trends is also making it EXTREMELY easy to create a content plan. Google Trends lists for anyone to see the top five questions being searched online.

  • What is Zika virus?
  • Where is the Zika virus?
  • Is Zika virus contagious?
  • How long does Zika virus stay in your system?
  • How is Zika virus spread?

It is also showing which cities in the US are bring the largest search for Zika Virus:

Here are the top twenty cities with highest search on Zika Virus:

  1. Des Moines-Ames, IA
  2. Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  3. Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbourne, FL
  4. New York, NY
  5. Raleigh-Durham (Fayetteville), NC
  6. Wilmington, NC
  7. Washington, DC (Hagerstown MD)
  8. Seattle-Tacoma, WA
  9. West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce, FL
  10. Cedar Rapids-Waterloo-Iowa City & Dubuque, IA
  11. Columbus, OH
  12. Baltimore, MD
  13. Ft. Myers-Naples, FL
  14. Boston MA-Manchester, NH
  15. Charlotte, NC
  16. Omaha, NE
  17. Sioux City, IA
  18. Hartford & New Haven, CT
  19. Gainesville, FL
  20. Milwaukee, WI

It is important for hospitals to start embracing and empowering their communications departments to do the following when getting in-front of public health situations.

  • Listen – Watch/Listen Social and Digital Trends
  • Create – Create a content plan
  • Roll Out – Distribute content to advocates that is accurate and transparent
  • Quit Stressing – Stop the worry about what might be and focus on how to effectively empower your community with accurate information.